Thursday 20 October 2011

The biggest loser season 12 week 4

Finally the week 4 of the biggest loser season 12 took place. Three teams competed greatly with each other to win the challenge given to them. Amid the three teams, black team was quite overriding. Red and Blue team are in great need of guts to compete with the black team. However, red team did not move a step behind the black team. The contestant called Ramon from the red team really revealed his guts to the public by working well in the challenge in the biggest loser show 12 week 4.
The biggest loser trainers such as Bob, Dolvett and Anna are appointed to help contestants in the challenge. The challenge given to the contestant was that teams had to pass a box that is full of letters from home around a stretch of land. Whoever was holding that box could not move. As they went, they were hit with many different weather elements. There was a small lump of fake snow as well and a wind machine was even there. Mud was also found there. There was a mountain at the end. Black team was constantly beating the red team. From the red team, Ramon really came out as a great leader of the red team. He carried nearly a 50-pound sandbag up a mountain five miles in the first workout of the team. He was also called as a rock star by Dolvett many times.

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