Sunday 4 December 2011

The biggest loser season 12 week 11 – Classic challenges

As every week, this week of the biggest loser also came with new twists and surprises along with some classical challenges. This week became famous, as it was a makeover week. When the show started, Alison was waiting for all the contestants at the bottom of a mountain. The show started with the challenge in which all the contestants were told to walk mile uphill with the weight that they lost in past ten weeks. This challenge was very important because the results of this challenge would decide the final four for this season. In this challenge, Antone and John were very close, but John was successful and got one-pound advantage.
Everybody in the show was very excited about the makeover week. Makeover and hairstyle experts Ken Paves and Jeanni Mai were invited to the show to do makeover of all the contestants. Once the makeover was completed, all the contestants would walk on the red carpet at the Kodak Theatre in LA. This makeover week was a fabulous week for every contestant. The makeovers of all the contestants were done at the Ken Paves salon. All the biggest loser trainers also enjoyed the makeover week.

In the weight-in challenge, Sunny was sent home. After the Sunny’s elimination of, the biggest loser season 12 got its four finalists named Becky, Vicky, John, and Antone. Next week, at-home players would run the marathon.

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