Wednesday 7 December 2011

The biggest loser season 12 week 12

In the last week of the biggest loser season 12, contestants were sent home. All of the four final contestants had big entrances to their friends and family members. Family members were very happy to see the final four. This week started with time-lapse video of the unbelievable shrinking four. After that, all the contestants were invited to the place to play the marathon competition. Marathon competition was important for all the contestants because it would fix their position in the show. All the final four contestants were greatly enjoyed the time spend with their family members by watching their greatest hits DVDs. 

Before the marathon competition, all the biggest loser trainers gave visit to all the four contestants at their homes. The biggest loser trainer Dolvett had an eye-opening visit with John whose complete focus on 100% on the finale. Finally, all the contestants arrived in the marathon set up to face it. All the contestants were told to run 26.2 miles. Marathon competition made for a best episode due to the moments shared between both trainers and contestants since they met on the trail. Whoever would win the marathon competition win a spot in finale along with big cash?
Every contestant had different strategies like straight running, alternating walking, and running, strolling in a straw hat and straight walking. Ramon was the first contestant who first won a spot in the finale. Courtney got second place, John got third place, Jessica was at forth place and Patrick got fifth place.

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